Healthy Tips :D (Draft)

History: past - fast food portions were smaller

Why losing weight is hard for some? Genectics, lifestyle.
Hormones that make you feel full.

Its not easy but commercials lie and say it  Truth is, people are just getting fatter and fatter.

Realistic diet is the best diet. your have to stick with it for yur whole life.
(Healthy plates help)

What's the diet for you? based on gender, bloodtype, culture
Healthy activties. Little things you do in life m help u lose or intain weight.
Ie. using the stares, manually opening your garage door....

Walkng, riding bike, being proactive in the cmmunity are easy ways...

Sleeping at a specific time all the time for at least 7 to 9 hours
Helps maintain or loss weight. providrs energy, and makes

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